Congratulations Leslie Majer on winning the Willi Studer prize 2024 for her Master Thesis Project Nobody is an Island, supervised by Studio Tom Emerson and Prof Milica Topalovic

Congratulations Matyas Enz on winning the ETH Medal 2024 for his Master Thesis Project Heliocentric Architecture, supervised by Studio Tom Emerson

Der Aare naa, Seminar Week, 21.10 - 26.10.2024

Urban Myths, Design Studio, HS24, Cut Redwood, Zurich, 2024

Final Reviews of the Design Studio 'The Importance of Being Ernst', Tuesday, 28th May, 10am-6pm, Atelier Gisel, Streulistrasse 74a, with Stéphanie Bru and Boris Gusic

Interim Reviews of the Design Studio 'The Importance of Being Ernst', Wednesday, 3rd May, 10am-7pm, Atelier Gisel, Atlas Drawing by Lea de Piccoli, Philémon Léchot, Vincent Mathez, Robin Weber

Lecture by Sören Davy and Ferdinand Pappenheim, Tuesday, 12. March, 6pm, Atelier Gisel.

The Importance of Being Ernst, design studio FS24

Entangled, master thesis FS24

We congratulate Leslie Majer to the SIA-Masterpreis honoring her diploma project "Nobody is an Island".

Tom dePaor - A video call to Dysart, 21. November 2023, 2pm, ETH Hönggerberg HIL F64, image: @dyart_dysert_disert_desert, 1st of May 2023

Adam Przywara - Circular Reconstruction: Building Material Reuse in the Architecture of Postwar Warsaw, 15. November 2023, 5pm, ETH Hönggerberg, HIL F64, image: Stacks of bricks at Dabrowskiego Square in Warsaw, 1949, phot. Leonard Jarzembski

Repair Schatzalp HS23 Seminarweek Poster


The Groundworks Atlas is published on the occasion of the exhibition Landschaftstadt Zürich, ZAZ Bellerive - Zentrum Architektur Zürich.

The Groundworks Atlas is part of the exhibition Landschaftstadt Zürich, ZAZ Bellerive - Zentrum Architektur Zürich. 09.06.2023 bis 24.09.2023 photo: © 2023 Nakarin-Fotografie

FS23, The Good Life, Final Review, Wednesday 31 May 2023, HIL F65.1 with Mio Tsuneyama, Ingrid Schroder and Richard Wentworth, Image by Heloise Dussault-Cloutier and Daniel Epprecht

"Paths Not Taken in U.S. Suburbia" - a Lecture by Amanda Kolson Hurley - 18. April 3pm GMT+2 HIL F65.1 - Image credit: Photo of Stelton anarchist colony in New Jersey, early 20th century, Modern School Collection/Rutgers University

The publication Pachacamac Atlas collects the material of this topological survey along with a documentation of the design-build project.

FS23, Garden, Gumno: Designing the Crack - 05.April.2023 Garden Party.

FS23, The Good Life, Atlas Review, Wednesday 15 March 2023, HIL F65.1 with Iris Lacoudre, Camille Sineau and Indiana Collective

FS23, The Good Life. An architect shows house designs to a young couple, Hans Krebs, 1978. Colourised by AI, 2023

Life on Earth, HS22, Picture: Tent details & construction, December.2022

Life on Earth, HS22, Picture: Tent details & construction, December.2022

Life on Earth, HS22, Picture: Lina Bo Bardi, Perspective Drawing of the Belvedere of the Piolin Circus, MASP, 1957-68

The Pachacamac Pavilion is featured in the Edition Detail issue dedicated to timber buildings, published in September 2022.

with Anna Puigjaner and Oliver Lütjens

Richard Wentworth, Making Do and Getting By, London, early 21st century

Sixteen ground samples in Zurich, 1m x 1m, scale 1:1 papier-maché models for the Atlas HS21, photos: Matyas Enz

design studio, autumn 2021, Model: Ulisse Iacopi, Samul Slezak

The Pachacamac Pavilion was published in Joehlo no. 11 & 12 in October 2021.

Groundworks; design studio, autumn 2021, Image: Study from the Broken Path Series with Border Edging, 1986, Boyle Family (Mark Boyle, Joan Hills, Sebastian Boyle, Georgina Boyle) Painted fibreglass and mixed media, photographed by Antonia Reeve. © Boyle Family / DACS, London 2021

Drawings by Jann Erhart and Hermes Killer published in Survey by Matthew Wells (Drawing Matter and Park Books, 2021)

A talk from Paloma Gormley and Summer Islam from Material Cultures

Nine years after first presenting Dysart at eth Tom de Paor will show how garden and architecture have grown together on 30 March 2021. Photo: Tom de Paor

Pulling the Strings of Material Flows - On grey energy

What's in Store? Design Studio FS21

Prof Tom Crowther will lead three introductory lectures on ecology, biodiversity and climate change in February and March 2021

Making ground for the new garden at eth Zurich

Elective on Maintenance Architecture FS21

Lecture: Spring Summer Autumn Winter, 1 December 2020

Final Reviews HS19: The Great Interior

From the archive: measure and social distancing rehearsed in 2010 elective, Measure

Albis Arena - Online
We have, along with the whole ETH community moved to online learning platforms in order to maintain the teaching programme for the remainder of the semester. The main thematic and programmatic aims of the semester remain unchanged however we have revised the material required as access to workshops is no longer possible. We will use weekly tumblr posts to share and develop the projects. Each post will consist of a text and 10 graphic documents.

Charlotte Malterre-Barthes - From baguette to planet: the political economy of food and its impacts on the built environment. Image: A Tunisian demonstrator holds his bread stick like a weapon in front of riot police during a protest against the country's new government in Tunis on January 18, 2011. (Fred Dufour / AFP / Getty Images)

Design Studio FS20: The Great Interior II - Albis arena. Image: Estadio Azteca under construction, Mexico 1966

Seminar Week - FS20 - Faking it

Final Reviews HS19: The Great Interior

Pachacamac pavilion feature and cover of Detail Magazine, November 2019

Daniel Ganz, Garden as Paradise as Educational Academy, Tuesday, 24. September, 10:00, HIL F.41 (studio space)

Room for Archaeologists and Kids has won the Dezeen Design Award for architecture

Seminar Week - HS19 - Firing

Design Studio HS19: The Great Interior, from Üetliberg zu Red Zurich. Images: Merian und Zeiller, Topographia Helvetiae, 1654; Joan Littlewood and Cedric Price, Fun Palace, 1961

We are delighted to announce that A Pavilion for Archaeologists and Kids in Pachacamac has been nominated for the Beazley Design of the Year 2019. The project will be exhibited at the Design Museum in London from 11 September 2019 until 9 February 2020.

A Pavilion of Archaeologists and Kids in Pachacamac, Peru has been shortlisted for the Dezeen Awards 2019.

OMMX, Drawn From Experience, talk by Jon Lopez, Tuesday 14 May, 17:00h, hil F.41 (studio space), Department of Architecture, eth Zurich, Hoenggerberg

Patrícia Barbas, Teatro Thalia
Tuesday 9 April, 10:00
hil F.41 (studio space)
Department of Architecture
eth Zurich

Paloma Strelitz, Goldsmiths CCA
Wednesday 10 April, 10:00
hil F.41 (studio space)
Department of Architecture
eth Zurich

Daniel Ganz, Garden as Living Space as Art, Wednesday 6 March, 10:00, hil F.41 (studio space)

Ben Speltz, Umbau am Denkmal, Tuesday 5th March, 10:00, hil F (Studio Space), Department of Architecture, eth Zurich, Hoenggerberg

What can designers learn from Construction History? A talk by the Institut für Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Wednesday 6th March, 17:00, hil F (Studio Space), Department of Architecture, eth Zurich, Hoenggerberg

The Surface of Things, Lecture by Carlos Bayod on Tuesday 26th February, 18:30, hil F (Studio Space), Department of Architecture, eth Zurich, Hoenggerberg

abc.xyz - Master Thesis Theme A - FS 2019 - Studio Brandlhuber + Studio Emerson

Weaving Scripting Writing - Seminar week FS19

Altering Architecture, Pula and the Brijuni archipelago, Croatia, FS19. Image: Fred Scott, 1967

111 Bunker - ZAZ Zentrum Architektur Zürich

Openings, conversations with Alvaro Siza's Archive at the Serralves Museum, Porto, curated by Tom Emerson, from 26 October until 27 January 2019

Lecture by Juergen Teller, To use everything Tom built, Wednesday 19 September, 19.00, hil E3, D-Arch, ETH Zurich.
Photograph: Self-reflections, Melancholy and Blood Oranges No.1, London 2018
© Juergen Teller, All rights Reserved

Archaeology of tourism, Pula and the Brijuni archipelago, Croatia, HS18. Image: Casa Malaparte, Capri 1937, featuring in Le Mépris by Jean-Luc Godard, 1963

The Portuguese Way, Seminar Week HS18

A Room for Archaeologists and Kids is under construction in Pachacámac

The Garden: The Fourth Cycle of Planting

Pachacámac: Archaeology of the Territory

Selected drawings from the Glasgow Atlas are included in Architectural Ethnography at the Japanese Pavilion Venice Biennale 2018, curated by Momoyo Kaijima, Laurent Stalder and Yu Iseki

Master Thesis FS 2018 - Theme C - Refurbishing Modernism

Standard II:Tall in the Gleisfeld

Décor de Fête: Winter Sleep

Standard, from metre to measure

Master Thesis FS16, Theme B, An Architecture School for Zurich

Assemble: Collective Practice, 12 & 13 April 2016, guest crit and lecture

Glasgow Atlas, catalogue is published

Models are Real, Raffael Baur, Architect, Zurich & Lausanne, HIL F 41, Friday 29th April 2016, 6 pm lecture

Michel Houellebecq, talks to Tom Emerson for Art Review

Ha-ha, Seminar Week HS 2016

Constructed Nature, Basel: Lange Erlen

Farewell to the Pavilion of Reflections

Constructed Nature II, Lines - Lange Erlen, Basel

A Brief Introduction to the History of Architectural Representation, Prof. Dr. Stefan Holzer

Photography Workshop with Candida Höfer

The Garden, heading into summer

The Garden: Third Cycle of Planting

Trying to be here, Talk and guest crit by artist Richard Wentworth, 27 October, 6.30pm

The work of Studio Tom Emerson featured in Accatone 2

Manifesta 11: Pavillon of Reflections

Making and the Territory, Part II: Big is beautiful

Le jardin de Le Corbusier, Unite d’Habitation, Le Corbusier, 1952

Glasgow Atlas, exhibition is open from 8-24 April, 11am-5pm, Unit 22, 100 Borron Street, Glasgow G49XG.
Part of Glasgow International 2016

Pavilion of Reflections, Manifesta 11, it floats on the lake, it is nearly covered, it will open on 11 June.

London's Natural history, Seminar Week HS 2017

Zürich Atlas I: Bucheggplatz

Zürich Atlas II: Rosengartenstrasse

Manifesta 11: Pavillon of Reflections

Making and the Territory, Part 1: Small is Beautiful

Studio Tom Emerson published in the A+T Harvard Symposia on Architecture

Studio Tom Emerson is nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov Prize

A Town Tormented by the Sea

São Paulo Escondido, 15–26 March 2012

Dysart and Palaces, Tom DePaor lecture, 3 April 2012, 7PM

The Unfinished, Lecture by Professor Robert Harbison, 15 May 2012, HIL E4, 8AM

A Town Tormented by the Sea, 29-30 May 2012

An exhibition and catalogue of architectural projects by students from Studio Tom Emerson, ETH Zurich, 9–20 October 2012, Galway, Ireland

Galway Atlas Exhibition Opening, 8 October 2012

Re-construcing the World, Soane's picture gallery & Monk's Parlour, 17 October–6 November 2012

Forst Atlas exhibition opening, class="na">1 November 2012

Constructing the World II

Exhibition, Atlas of an Irish City, class="na">Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin, until 21 February

Timber and Culture: Making Connections,
, class="na">5 March 2013, hil e4, 8–10am

Brick: the Forgotten Material, 9 April 2013, hil e4, 8–10am

Premature Iron, 23 April 2013, hil e4, 8–10am

Never Modern by Irénée Scalbert and 6a architects
is published by Park Books, Zurich

Forst Atlas, class="na">Exhibition at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, 12-21 June

A Belvedere for Zollikon, opening on 6th of September

Hidden Belgrade, 21–27 October 2013

Exhibition in Dresden, 10th of April

SIA Masters Prize, Michael Fehlmann

Craft and Radical Architecture, 15 April 2014, hil e4, 8–10am

Belvedere, Zollikon, June 2014

Atlas, a retrospective of collaborative work by Studio Tom Emerson, 2010-2014, opened at ETH Zurich on 7 October., Atlas is one of three exhibitions presented by gta at ETH Zurich. The exhibition installations was designed and built by second year students.

Working in Stages, LUMA Foundation, Löwenbräu Areal Zürich, 21. November 2014 till 28. February 2015

Dan Graham visits Studio Tom Emerson

Working in Stages, ETH Zürich

Hidden Gardens: Italy, Photo by Charles H. Traub from Dolce Via: Italy in the 1980’s Damiani, 2013

Theatre Objects, catalogue of exhibition at the Luma Foundation featuring a tribune designed and built by the students

Forst – News from nowhere

An exhibition and catalogue of architectural projects by students from Studio Tom Emerson, ETH Zurich, 2–18 November 2012, Forst, Germany

Trying to be here, Talk and guest crit by artist Richard Wentworth, Tuesday 27 October 2015, 6.30pm, HIL F 41

96 Hands, 22.09-05.10.2011